Each year, PIN invites a limited number of organizations to partner with us in our mission. Our sponsors benefit from having their brand message reach a large, diverse group of proactive Cherry Creek School District parents in a number of impactful ways. Sponsors play a vital role in enabling PIN to pursue this mission by covering costs related to speakers, venues and communications. As a PIN Sponsor, you gain:
- Exposure to parents, teachers and community members within the Cherry Creek School District, one of the largest school districts in Colorado. The CCSD serves more than 53,000 students in eight municipalities spread across 108 square miles of the South Denver Metro area.
- Recognition of your business by name at PIN’s monthly presentations throughout the school year, as well as in its publicity materials and on the PIN website.
- Twice-monthly email blasts announcing upcoming presentations are sent with your logo to 1,300+ parents with an almost 50% click-through rate.
- Sponsors are invited to attend PIN’s presentations throughout the school year to talk about their company before and after the presentation and answer parent questions.
- Sponsors can introduce their organization from the podium to our parent audience once per year.
- Materials you provide (brochures, etc.) are displayed at a dedicated Sponsor Table at each in-person presentation, which typically draws an audience of 50 to 100 parents.
- The ability to deduct your donation. Sponsor donations are tax deductible through the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation.